Most great science happens in university labs, typically a product of research supported by government grants. But it is often difficult to move those research findings through the complex translational steps into solid pharma candidates that can attract venture capital and direct investment from major pharmaceutical companies. Every research scientist knows the frustration of putting great ideas on hold while they set aside their lab coat and focus on funding the next steps. And often in that process substantial discoveries will languish in what is sometimes known as the “valley of death.”
Ocean Biomedical was founded specifically to help scientists and universities bridge the gap between basic research and clinical development. Our mission is to identify promising discoveries that need funding and expertise to bridge the translational research process, move efficiently into clinical trials, and into the medical marketplace.

Our partnership terms are uniquely powerful, for researchers and research institutions. For each discovery we license, we form a partner subsidiary with a strong ownership stake for the inventor-scientist and their affiliated institution. We want each scientist to be fully motivated to realize the potential of their discovery. And because great discoveries almost always compound, we want them to be motivated to become part of our ongoing pipeline.
We also form unique pipeline partnerships with major research institutions to help them accelerate their best discoveries. Those ‘first-look’ partnerships are designed to provide ongoing support for dynamic translational research programs, helping the universities and their institutes focus on the hard science while we apply our decades of expertise in testing, regulatory process, product development, and finance. We handle the logistics and funding so that our partners can focus on expanding what they do best.
For more information on partnership opportunities, use the “Connect” button in the header up top.